Be Love

Feminine, Spirit

As we look to the still unfolding events in Japan, we are reminded of how much our collective fates are intertwined at a global level. We are also reminded how quickly our fate can change and how vulnerable we can feel when faced with the unknown. I’ve sat with women in my work as they’ve weathered the loss of a baby or pregnancy, moved through divorce, been puzzled by infertility, wrestled with a cancer diagnosis, faced past trauma. I began writing Wild Feminine after witnessing the collective trauma response of physical and energetic discord in the pelvic bowl after 9/11. There was a common pattern of high pelvic guarding and fear in each woman that I saw on the day after 9/11. In this life, we often can’t predict what we’ll meet. But we can remember that fear in the body disrupts the energy flow and leaves a person feeling unmoored. Knowing that we will experience fear, we can bring breath to these trembling cells. We can focus on what we are thankful for, and what we love, to restore the flow in the center that will better equip us to meet whatever is in front of us in the present moment.

Wild Feminine blessing: Fear disrupts the energy flow, while love realigns it to full radiance. Be love.


Wild Feminine Artwork
Tami Lynn Kent offering Holistic Pelvic Care™ Sessions


With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis.

Portrait of Tami Lynn Kent dancing


Study with Tami to learn the profound medicine of the female energy system by working at the energy/body interface of the pelvic bowl and creative core.

Close-up of woman reading Tami Lynn Kent's published books on women's health, creativity, and pelvic care


Order your copies of Tami's Books: Wild Feminine, Wild Creative, or Wild Mothering now!